How to Get More Blog Traffic

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If you’ve recently started a blog or your blog hasn’t gotten traction yet, here are 17 ways to increase blog traffic this month that I’ve used in my own blogs, or how to get more blog traffic.

How to Get More Blog Traffic

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How to Get More Blog Traffic and 17 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic This Month

I used tips like these to increase the blog traffic of one of my blogs – doubling every two weeks for a while – until we went from 3,000 monthly page views to over 70,000 pageviews in just a few months, and reached over 100,000 page views another month.

Another month, we had a Pinterest reach of 3 MILLION monthly viewers and countless repins of our blog posts. But the best part is getting emails from people telling me I changed their life. ? Growing your blog traffic means you get to help more people and reach more people with your message.

This stuff can work in any industry if you use a little creativity. ? Good luck increasing your blog traffic, and let’s get to the tips for how to increase blog traffic!

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1. If you’re not already on Pinterest, join up!

Be sure to use keywords that describe your blog in your name and description as well as board descriptions to show up in their search results.

2. Design a vertical post graphic for each of your blog posts to pin on Pinterest.

3. Create at least 10-20 boards on your Pinterest account to pin to.

If you had a frugal living blog, you could do boards like these: Best of (Your Blog), Saving Money, Personal Finance, Couponing, Cheap Eats, Frugal Cleaning, and more.

4. Create a Best of (Your Blog) board as the first board on your profile.

Pin all your blog posts here.  Then repin them to your own relevant boards.

5. Pin at least 20-30 pins a day of other people’s content on Pinterest related to your blog, that your readers would be interested in.

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6. Start by joining 5-10 group boards on Pinterest to pin your own content.

Use a tool like Tailwind to schedule your pins so you’re pinning to each board about 2-3 times a day depending on the board’s rules. If you have a web design, business, or entrepreneurship-related blog, check out our Pinterest group board! I’ve seen frugal mom bloggers with 100 group boards, so don’t worry about going overboard on this. ? is great for finding group boards.

7. You need quality AND quantity.

Sure, some people have a single post go viral, but viral traffic is just a nice temporary boost and you need to have a whole stable full of blog posts that help your readers. If you only have 5 blog posts, the odds of one of them going viral is pretty low.

But if you have 100 good blog posts, it’s a lot easier for each of them to get a decent amount of daily traffic rather than 1 post getting a massive amount of traffic. It’s kind of like saving money and planning for your future versus buying a lottery ticket and trying to strike it rich. Over time, build up a large quantity of high quality posts so your traffic is more stable and doesn’t depend on things going viral.

8. If you already have several blog posts, consider adding a 2nd or 3rd pin image to each of them.

Two images = two chances for people to see your post on social media, plus you get to split test which graphic people like better and you can use that information for future designs.

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9. Use a tool like Post Planner to automate regularly posting your blog posts and other useful content on Facebook and Twitter (and then recycle the posts automatically for posting again).

10. If you have a lifestyle blog, post your blog posts to link parties.

Just be sure to follow their rules. ? You can see a list of link parties by clicking here. This doesn’t get a ton of traffic but it’s a nice place to start because it doesn’t matter how many blog posts you have.

11. Interlink your blog posts.

You can probably see from this post that I’ve linked to other blog posts too. Once you start to build up a supply of related blog posts, you can add a link to two or three more of your posts in each blog post. That could mean a single page view turns into double or triple! Think of how your traffic would grow if all your blog posts had links to other blog posts.

12. Similar to the tip above, use a related posts plugin to add related posts to the end of your posts.

I use the free Grow Social plugin.  But definitely add links in the body of your blog posts too.

13. Learn more about blogging and business with courses and ebooks.

Here are a couple of my favorite blogging books and courses:

14. Add your blog to your job on Facebook (so there’s a link to your blog’s Facebook page on your personal profile), then go out and be helpful in Facebook groups.

Rather than just promoting your blog, answer people’s questions in Facebook groups that relate to your blog and some people will end up clicking on your Facebook page. Whenever I’ve provided freelance services, this is always how I got most of my clients. Also, if it’s allowed in the group, you can answer a question by providing a link to one of your blog posts that perfectly answers their question. ?

15. Consider joining Instagram for your business or blog.

I find that inspirational quotes or tip graphics related to your industry are really popular on Instagram and get a lot of engagement, and in the caption you can direct people to your bio link (which would be a link to your blog). My account for Resilient has over 50,000 followers and I post inspirational quotes. There’s a call to action to my blog in my bio so I get traffic from that.

16.Add a popular posts widget to your sidebar.

This helps the people already on your site to find your best content, click around more, and stay on your site longer.

17. Try to optimize each blog post for a specific keyword or phrase.

Use the free plugin Yoast to help with your SEO and to create a meta description and keyword for each post. Use Google’s Keyword Planner to look up keywords that get a lot of traffic. SEO does take a while to start working though. An example of a keyword would be something like “how to save money on groceries.” With a quick search on Google’s free Keyword Planner I see that it gets about 2,000 or more searches a month, so it’s a pretty good keyword without high competition. Then you just use the keyword phrase or slight variation in your blog post a few times. But don’t sweat it if you have an inspirational or passionate blog post that doesn’t really have a specific keyword to target.

Bonus: Keep making content that helps people and gets them results.

If you can add actions or concrete tips to your blog posts to help your readers take action, they’ll remember you better and come back for more tips. 🙂

How to Get More Blog Traffic

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