My Morning Routine as an Online Entrepreneur

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Morning routines! It’s always interesting to see how other people start their days, and this is a popular thing to talk about by vloggers on Youtube. I love seeing how other entrepreneurs structure their day, especially their mornings, so today I’m sharing what my own morning routine is.

My Morning Routine as an Online Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur Morning Routine

If you’d like more ways to save time and stress as an entrepreneur and automate things in your business, check out the ideas below!

Roll out of bed around 10 or 11. Let’s be honest: sometimes I don’t get up until noon. 🙂 These days I usually go to sleep around midnight or so, which means I get lots and lots of beautiful, dreamy sleep. I think I’m trying to make up for all those times in high school and college that I got 3 or 4 hours of sleep or pulled all-nighters. I’ve done alarms in the past before but it just stresses me out so since I’m self-employed I take full advantage of that by waking up when I feel like it instead of at a certain time. It’s always a great feeling to sleep in as long as you want.

Grab my iPad and either read an inspiring Kindle book or go on Pinterest and read something inspiring and motivational. I also like looking at inspirational quotes, but I almost always spend the first hour of my day just getting inspired and in the right mindset to take on the day.

I usually sneak in reading email at this point too, though I try to only read newsletters from my favorite coaches rather than responding to emails that need my attention (give yourself at least a few hours before you get all stressed out over what you have to do today).

Seriously, if you start your day by responding to emails that are all demanding your attention, you’re going to be stressed out and frazzled the rest of the day. Same as starting the day with social media or scrolling through Facebook. So I kind of actively try not to read emails or social media first thing in the morning because the first hour of your day sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Make a cup of coffee. My morning cup of coffee officially signifies that I’m starting my day. I usually go for a fancy flavored coffee from Target and vanilla or some other flavor of coffee creamer if I’m using plain coffee. I like my creamer with a tiny bit of coffee in it. 😉 Sometimes I eat breakfast and sometimes I don’t. Instead of following the “you must eat breakfast or else” rule, I follow the “I’ll eat if I’m hungry” rule. 🙂

Then I go back to my iPad and ease my way into the workday with my coffee. At this point I’ll probably start reading emails and responding to any if necessary. Since moving to my new apartment, I work almost exclusively in the living room (lounging on the couch of course) because I want to keep my bedroom for sleeping and not have it be a place of stress.

I usually also check stats for my business, such as page views from the previous day, sales, social media followers, etc, just to see how things are doing.

At some point when I’m done with my coffeeI’ll dive into more hands-on work for the day. Whether that’s working on a project for a client, designing a website, writing blog posts (I’m currently in the middle of a blog post challenge this month!), or checking in to see how an ad campaign or social media is doing, the afternoon is a good time to get some thinking done.

Sometime in the evening I start to get sleepy and lazy so I might work on something less intensive and then go for another burst of inspired work late at night.

That’s it! Just a few intentional hours in the morning can set you up for a happy, calm, and inspired day ahead. I hope this gives you some ideas for your own morning routine.

Do you start your day by scrolling through endless newsfeed or reading news headlines? Here is the single best way for entrepreneurs to start their day (and one big mistake not to make!).

Related Post: My Morning Routine as an Online Entrepreneur

The Single Best Way for Entrepreneurs to Start Their Day

If you currently start your day by reading social media or the news before you even get out of bed, cut it out! Usually it’s really negative or full of drama and you’re setting a negative tone for your entire day.

Instead, start your day with reading inspirational quotes, a personal development book, or posts from your favorite coach or business bloggers.

The way you start your day is what sets the tone for the entire day, so you have to start with something positive and productive.

If you start with negativity or even with trying to respond to a growing list of emails in your inbox, you’re going to feel overwhelmed and stressed out before you even have your first cup of coffee (or glass of green juice ;)).

If you want to take this morning routine to the next level, check out The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. He actually has a whole multi-step process for starting his day, involving things like meditation, exercise, visualization, and more that helps you create a great day every day.

But if you want something a little quicker, than just always start your day by reading something inspirational. Sometimes I actually spend the first few hours of my day just reading (business or personal development material).

I’m currently reading Awaken the Giant Within from Tony Robbins and it’s awesome! I usually just read a few pages in the morning because there’s a lot of good ideas to digest and ponder over, but it gets me thinking in new ways every day and sets a positive tone for the whole day.

Try it! Do you have a secret technique for how you like to start your day? Let me know in the comments below. 🙂

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