Canva Elements Keywords That You’ll Love

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Canva is a simple, user-friendly graphic design tool that lets anyone create beautiful graphics. Canva comes with a ton of built-in templates and graphics, and with these Canva elements keywords, you’ll know exactly what to search to find beautiful design elements for all your projects.

Canva Elements Keywords That You’ll Love
Canva Elements Keywords

In this blog post I’ll be covering what Canva elements are, how to use them, and ideas for what to search for to find beautiful design elements!

The Best Canva Elements Keywords That You’ll Love

What are Canva Elements?

To start, Canva elements are all the design elements you have access to on Canva besides the regular premade templates.

Although this post is specifically covering graphics, the Elements section in Canva actually covers photos, graphics, videos, audio, and more. Sometimes Canva also refers to these as “ingredients.”

How to Find and Use Canva Design Elements

To find and use Canva’s design elements, open a new design project and simply click on the Elements button on the sidebar.

This will open up a new panel with Canva’s current recommended suggestions, which rotate seasonally and also depending on what you’ve used recently.

Within the Elements panel, you have access to lines and shapes, graphics, stock photos, videos, audio, charts, frames, grids, and more, but in this post we’re focusing specifically on the graphic elements. 🙂

When you find an element you like, simply click on it, and then it will show up on your canvas. From there you can resize it, move it around, and in some cases you can even change the colors to customize it for your brand.

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List of Canva Element Keywords to Search For

First, for some basic shapes and elements to spice up your designs, here are some words you can search:

  • Arrow
  • Animated arrow (this is helpful for Pinterest graphics!)
  • Heart
  • Flowers
  • Nature
  • Triangle / square / rectangle / circle (or use the Canva keyboard shortcuts!)
  • Business
  • Coffee
  • Gradient
  • Stickers
  • Abstract
  • Watercolor
  • Paper
  • Frame
  • Gold Frame
  • Pattern
  • Overlay
  • Like button (perfect for social media!)
  • Subscribe button (perfect for Youtube videos!)

Those are the basic Canva graphics though, so for something a little more special, if you click around a few levels in the elements then Canva will show you additional recommendations.

Here are some of the special themed categories that show up when you click on Elements- Graphics- See All:

  • Bold Foliage
  • Zodiac Symbols
  • Simple Drawn Objects
  • Sketchy Flowers
  • Handdrawn Animals
  • Handdrawn Love
  • Organic Rainbow
  • Organic Sketched Fruit
  • Bright Leaves
  • Girl Power
  • Pastel Ladies
  • Duo Color Avatar
  • Bright Food
  • Pastel Travel Accessories
  • Monoline Elements
  • Organic Summer
  • Vivid Leaves
Canva Design Elements
Canva Design Elements

How to Find Hidden Canva Elements with Secret Brand Codes

Did you know that Canva has secret brand codes that you can search to pull up all the elements and graphics from your favorite designer? If you’re browsing around Canva’s elements and see a style you like, try hovering over the image and pressing the three dots that show up, then click on Show All from [this designer].

For example, if I hover over one of Canva’s recommended Zodiac Symbols from above and click the three dots, I can click on “View More by Sketchify from sketchify” and then Canva will not only show me all of their designs, but also the secret brand code will show up in the search bar.

If you want to save elements for later, you can either hover over a particular element and “like” it, add it to a folder, or write down the hidden brand code that appears for the designer you like.

Here are a few of my favorite hidden Canva elements keywords from some of the most popular designers on the platform.

To use these, copy and paste the bolded brand code into the search bar of Canva elements. (The part that says brand:BADeGZOX6Sc, not the creator’s name)

Popular Brand Codes for Canva:

  • Sketchify- brand:BADeGZOX6Sc
  • Marsala Digital- brand:BAD2BbIfm6k
  • Sparklestroke- brand:BADeGVMPgRk
  • Julia Dreams- brand:BAD63x8KTpk
  • Basia Stryjecka- brand:BAED38EesPc
  • The Angela Collection- brand:BAD695DwEDM
Canva Brand Codes
Canva Brand Codes
Hidden Canva Elements
Hidden Canva Elements
Secret Canva Elements Keywords
Secret Canva Elements Keywords
Hidden Canva Elements Keywords
Hidden Canva Elements Keywords
Secret Canva Elements Keywords
Secret Canva Elements Keywords
Secret Canva Brand Codes
Secret Canva Brand Codes

I hope you’ve enjoyed our suggestions for Canva elements!

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